Texts Going Unnoticed? Learn How to Overcome Text Marketing Pitfalls for Restaurants

Someone sitting in a chair at a restaurant texting.

Text marketing is a powerful tool for restaurants looking to connect with customers and boost loyalty. But let’s face it: getting your texts noticed is easier said than done. Many restaurants are sending out messages, but few are seeing the desired results. According to Mobile Marketing Watch, SMS open rates are as high as 98%, yet response rates can be as low as 45%. 

Why is that? Well, there are a few common pitfalls that can lead to your texts getting lost in the digital noise.

Here at Olive + Leo, we’ve crafted digital marketing solutions to help restaurants capitalize on the power of text marketing with proven strategies customized for your unique audience. In this article, we’ll highlight some common text marketing pitfalls we’ve seen and offer practical alternative ideas to consider.

1. Text overload (or ghosting): Don’t be that annoying friend who won’t stop texting… or never texts at all. 

Sending too many texts can overwhelm customers and lead to opt-outs. When customers feel bombarded by constant messages, they’re more likely to unsubscribe or ignore future texts. On the flip side, infrequent messaging can make your texts seem out of the blue. If you only send a text every six months, customers might be caught off guard and ignore the message, not recognizing your brand or offer.

How to Turn It Around: Establish a consistent but moderate schedule for sending texts. For example, limit texts to 2-3 times per month, focusing on high-value content like exclusive offers, special events, or important updates.

2. Boring is boring: Spice up your texts with exciting content that makes customers crave more.

Sending bland mass messages that don’t resonate with your customers can lead to disinterest and disengagement. Customers want content that is relevant and adds value to their experience.

How to Turn It Around: Personalize your messages based on customer preferences and behaviors. Use segmentation to send targeted offers and updates that are relevant to individual groups of customers.

3. Hard-selling your way to empty tables is a recipe for disaster.

No one likes a hard sell. If your texts sound too promotional, customers will tune out.

How to Turn It Around: Craft text messages that feel personal and conversational. Focus on building a relationship with your customers by offering value, such as insider tips, exclusive content, or a simple thank you message.

4. Puzzling promotions: Keep it simple and avoid confusing your customers.

Customers appreciate simplicity and clarity in offers. That’s why deals or promotions that are too complex or have too many conditions can deter engagement. 

How to Turn It Around: Keep your offers straightforward and easy to understand. Make sure the terms and conditions are simple and the call-to-action is clear and direct.

5. Timing Faux Pas: Respect your customers’ time and avoid interrupting their meals.

Sending texts at the wrong time can irritate customers. No one wants to be interrupted during dinner or late at night.

How to Turn It Around: Schedule your messages for times when your audience is most likely to be receptive. Consider sending texts during lunch hours or in the late afternoon, when customers are more likely to check their phones.

6. Lost in the message: Give your customers a clear path to follow.

If your text doesn’t provide a clear next step or incentive, customers may not feel motivated to respond. A strong call-to-action is essential for driving engagement.

How to Turn It Around: Ensure every message includes a clear and compelling call to action. Whether it’s a link to a special offer, a reservation button, or an invitation to an event, it is essential to make it easy for customers to take the next step.

7. Who’s texting me?: Make sure your restaurant name is front and center.

If customers don’t recognize the sender, they might ignore the message.

How to Turn It Around: Make it clear who the message is from within the first few characters. For example, “Calling all [Restaurant Name] VIPs!” or “You’ve got a message from [Restaurant Name].”

Partner with Experts in Restaurant Marketing

Text marketing can be a game-changer for restaurants, but it’s essential to get it right. By avoiding these common pitfalls and focusing on providing value to your customers, you can increase engagement and build a loyal following.

Remember, text marketing is just one piece of the puzzle. A comprehensive digital marketing strategy is essential for long-term success. If you need help creating a strategy that works for your restaurant, contact Olive + Leo today.

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