The ROI Revolution: How Text Marketing Delivers Measurable Results for Restaurants

women typing on a keyboard

In the increasingly competitive world of restaurants, marketing is crucial to attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back more often. But let’s be honest: measuring the return on investment (ROI) of certain marketing tactics can be frustrating. Traditional advertising is an important brand awareness tactic, but how do you know who saw that billboard and who actually walked through your doors? Social media can be a great way to connect with your audience, but how can you isolate the impact of a single post?

This is where text marketing emerges as a game-changer for restaurants. At Olive + Leo, we’re big believers in a multi-channel approach to marketing. Social media, email, and traditional advertising all have a role to play in a comprehensive hospitality marketing strategy. However, our platform prioritizes text marketing because it offers a unique combination of direct communication, proven effectiveness, and—most importantly—easily measurable ROI.

The ROI of Text Marketing for Restaurants

Let’s face facts: in the restaurant business, results matter. Here are some statistics that showcase the power of text marketing:

  • Open Rates 

    Text messages boast an average open rate of over 98%, compared to a measly 2-5% for emails. This means your text message is more likely to be seen—a crucial first step in earning attention and driving action.

  • Click-Through Rates 

    People don’t just open text messages; they engage with them! Text messages have an average click-through rate of 36%.

  • Increased Order Values 

    Customers who receive text message promotions spend an average of 17% more per order.

  • Boosts in Repeat Customers 

    Restaurants that use text marketing see a 20-30% increase in repeat business.

  • Cost-Effective 

    Text marketing is one of the most affordable marketing channels available.

  • Personalization Power 

    Text messages allow for personalized communication, creating deeper connections and driving repeat business.

  • Two-Way Communication 

    Text marketing enables two-way communication, fostering a more interactive and engaging experience.

Tracking Campaigns (an Inside Look at the Olive + Leo Platform)

We understand that seeing is believing. That’s why the Olive + Leo platform provides clear and insightful data on your text marketing campaigns. Here are just a few metrics you can track to measure your ROI:

  • New Subscribers by Channel 

    With our campaign dashboard, you can see exactly how many people are joining your loyalty program through text message sign-ups. Analyzing this data can help you understand which tactics are most effective for increasing sign-ups and where to focus your marketing efforts.

  • Redemption Rates of Campaigns 

    Our platform makes it easy to compare campaigns with special offers to campaigns without special offers. Data from this A/B testing can reveal which promotions resonate most with your customers and drive sales.

  • Automated Campaign Effectiveness 

    In addition to one-time text blasts, Olive + Leo provides a variety of automated text campaigns to help you cultivate customer loyalty. For example, you can track the redemption rates of automated rewards sent out for check-ins or birthday offers. With that information, you can refine your automated campaigns and maximize their impact.

Stop Guessing and Start Texting

Text marketing for restaurants isn’t just about sending out a random discount; it’s about building a direct, measurable connection with your customers. With Olive + Leo, you can track your campaigns, understand what works, and see the real ROI of your text marketing efforts in real-time.

If you’re looking for a proven way to engage customers, increase loyalty, and measure results, we invite you to explore our platform. Let Olive + Leo help you take your restaurant marketing to the next level.

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